The ÖGNI mission as a certifier: to give sustainability strong roots in construction and real estate.
Sustainable Construction
Building the Future with ÖGNI
Sustainable Construction
Building the Future with ÖGNI

The ÖGNI certification regime is based on the DGNB system, taking into account the sustainability of a building over its entire useful life.

ÖGNI is an association that consolidates the strengths of Austrian construction firms which are committed to sustainability, and is itself a member of an international network devoted to the same objectives.

Always active: ÖGNI is continuously updating its certification regimes and preparing position papers.

Making a statement! As an ÖGNI member, BG-Graspointner is part of a network of enterprises which operate in accordance with shared principles.

ÖGNI Executive Director Engert: In the future, architecture will be more concerned with ways to save energy.

The ÖGNI mission as a certifier: to give sustainability strong roots in construction and real estate.

The ÖGNI certification regime is based on the DGNB system, taking into account the sustainability of a building over its entire useful life.

ÖGNI is an association that consolidates the strengths of Austrian construction firms which are committed to sustainability, and is itself a member of an international network devoted to the same objectives.

Always active: ÖGNI is continuously updating its certification regimes and preparing position papers.

We enjoy a very broad base, with a member company in nearly every industry. BG-Graspointner, however, is the only drainage system manufacturer.

From the very start we liked the balanced approach based around the 3Ps: products, processes and people. It is this holistic view of the implications for our industry that is of great interest to us.
“The partners we have in ÖGNI all act in accordance with the same principles. This strengthens us in our common mission, motivating us to keep moving forward on the path we're on. For anything to change, manufacturers have to see the light themselves.
BG’s current pricing is quite in line with the market. Our being an ÖGNI member affords us the opportunity to demonstrate that despite the extra effort involved, sustainability does not have to cost a fortune. And the more change we bring about, the more everyday and thus cost-effective green building will be.

Heretofore, architects were mainly concerned with aesthetics and structural stability, while energy considerations were a matter addressed by engineers. But going forward, architecture will more and more be involved with energy consumption and related issues.
People have always gone to work. Now there are more and more ways for work to go to people.
Valentin Krexhammer
Sales Management
BG-Graspointner | Austria