<p>Découvrez de nombreuses mises à jour sur nos produits, <br>des solutions pour les systèmes de drainage, des innovations, <br>et des conseils dans le blog de BG Graspointner.</p>

Gestion des eaux de pluie

Des systèmes de gestion des eaux de pluie correctement déployés atténuent l'impact du ruissellement des eaux pluviales et des inondations. Ils jouent également un rôle central dans la gestion durable de l'eau.

Les approches holistiques et durables de la gestion des eaux de pluie aident les organisations à atténuer les problèmes environnementaux tels que la qualité de l'eau, la pollution et l'érosion des sols. L'utilisation de l'eau de pluie comme ressource permet de gérer plus facilement la pénurie d'eau, d'économiser de l'argent et de préserver les ressources.

Examinons de plus près la gestion des eaux pluviales, afin de comprendre pourquoi elle est nécessaire et comment elle fonctionne.

Systèmes de drainage :

Leurs composants et comment choisir le bon système de drainage

Les systèmes de drainage linéaire permettent d'éviter les dommages à long terme causés par l'eau stagnante aux bâtiments, aux routes ou à d'autres infrastructures. Les caniveaux jouent également un rôle en matière de santé publique en éliminant les eaux stagnantes avant qu'elles ne soient contaminées.

Ces fonctions sont importantes, mais le choix des solutions de drainage par caniveau est complexe. Voyons ce qu'il faut savoir sur les systèmes de caniveaux afin que vous puissiez prendre une décision appropriée.

Chaque défi est bienvenu


Si nous planifions et développons un projet pour notre client Swietelsky, qui ne demande presque que des fabrications spéciales, pourquoi ne pas prendre en charge le suivi du chantier jusqu'à la réception finale ?

Maîtriser les différentes grilles de caniveau

Analyse approfondie des classes de charge pour les ingénieurs et les entrepreneurs d'Amérique du Nord

Se lancer dans un projet de construction ou d'infrastructure nécessite une planification méticuleuse, et un élément crucial souvent négligé est le système de caniveau. Dans ce guide complet, nous explorerons le monde complexe des classes de charge des grilles de caniveau, répondant aux besoins spécifiques des ingénieurs civils et mécaniques, des architectes civils, des architectes paysagistes et des entrepreneurs à travers l'Amérique du Nord.


Drainage sûr à une vitesse de 200 km/h

Quand un nouveau circuit est construit en Hongrie, c'est un travail pour l'architecte Ferenc Gulács, qui a déjà construit le Hungaroring dans les années 1980.

Poste de travail avec centre de loisirs


Un équilibre au milieu de la vie de bureau ? Cela va. L'AFAS Experience Center est un exemple remarquable d'architecture d'entreprise durable. Y compris le drainage de BG-Graspointner

When everything fits perfectly


The Merkur Campus in Graz is the epitome of modern construction. This is where resource-efficient construction meets an inviting architecture with lush greenery. And, this is also how attractive jobs are created.

Testing the limits on the road


Pushing vehicles and tires to the extreme – that’s what the new ÖAMTC Experience Center in Saalfelden is all about. The new racetrack for driving tests, driver safety training, and events was launched in 2020 – in cooperation with BG-Graspointner.

A record on the runway


Repairing a runway is a challenging project – especially if the airport continues to operate. Perfect coordination and reliability are key for successfully handling major projects of this kind.

This garden will grow close to your heart

Open space design Brauquartier Graz

How do you imagine sustainable life in the city in the years to come? The open space design at the Puntigam Brauquartier in Graz provides some impressive answers.

The future is here to stay

Brauquartier Puntigam Graz

Living in the city centre: expensive, cramped and lonely? The Puntigam Brauquartier is quite the opposite – with plenty of sustainable ideas.

The cost-efficient way to make road shoulders safe.

BG-ROAD LEFIX side-strip slab

More durability, more safety with the BG-ROAD LEFIX side-strip slabs. Road verges need a lot of maintenance and incur high running costs. A particularly long-lasting and economic solution was applied for the project K 2098 Lohmühle-Stangenbach near Heilbronn.

BG’s Romanian anniversary

Growing success for 15 years

It’s time to congratulate ourselves. After all, it’s been 15 years since BG-Graspointner took up work in Romania and we sowed the seeds of success with our own production site and plenty of pragmatism.

Puskás Arena Budapest

A champion in size

The Puskás Arena in Budapest opened its gates in November 2019. Central Europe’s biggest and most modern soccer stadium was built to meet the criteria of the UEFA – and BG-Graspointner was part of the large scale construction project.


Looking for the right material

Sometimes it’s worthwhile to refrain from tendering and to look for alternative possibilities. This was the case with the construction of an underground parking garage for three apartment buildings in Switzerland.


Only the best

Nowadays, shopping centers are modern, vibrant urban spaces offering a wealth of experiences. The way customers arrive at the center adds a lot to the overall impression. The recently renovated underground parking garage at the SILLPARK Shopping Center in Innsbruck provides wide parking spaces, a bright, inviting architecture and state-of-the-art technology to enable the perfect shopping experience.


Let the sunshine in!

Austria is currently exploiting a mere two percent of its solar power potential. GLOBAL 2000, WWF Austria and 254 Austrian companies have joined together to petition the government to create a suitable framework for expanding usage of solar energy. BG-Graspointner is supporting the campaign.


Green oasis with desks

Who says a workspace can only be functional? The new Promenade Gardens office building in Budapest combines contemporary design with technical excellence and innovative sustainability.


Kick-Off in Bratislava

Slovakia’s new National Stadium in Bratislava is located at the same site as its predecessor, but this new facility has a much more sophisticated drainage concept.


Salzburg’s living beauty

Housing alone does not make for a great residential quarter. And the former Riedenburg barracks in Salzburg demonstrates the crucial role of landscape architecture.

BLACKLABEL design line

The Art of Drainage ...

With BG-BLACKLABEL we offer you a range of design gratings that combine top-class design with the usual BG-performance. Thanks to state-of-the-art production technology, there are no limits to your creativity ...


Work that creates additional value

Our most impressive partner may well be the GWS, which is short for Geschützte Werkstätten Salzburg (translated ‘Salzburg Protected Workshops’). This non-profit corporation has provided full-time jobs to people with disabilities since 1977 and continues upholding the highest standards of performance and professionalism.


We’ll always find a way. Or two.

Sometimes unforeseen challenges can pop up in projects. In those moments, it’s critical to find quick and effective solutions.

Sustainable Construction

Building the Future with ÖGNI

For some time now, the attractiveness of real estate has no longer been evaluated on the basis of location and size alone. Today, ecological and socio-cultural criteria also make for a safe investment, in alignment with an emerging public awareness. As a member of ÖGNI, the Austrian Sustainable Building Council, we support the ideas underlying this trend.

The new Generali Arena

A win for Austria Wien

Originally it was the České srdce ground, built in 1925 by what was then the first-division Vienna football club SK Slovan, and in 1973 it became home to FK Austria Wien – thus Generali Arena looks back not only on a long football tradition but also on a history of expansion and new buildings. The stadium’s recent renovation, carried out from 2016 to 2018, represents a major step forward, including in terms of sustainability.

Member of the Climate Alliance Austria

Facing climate change together

The climate is getting serious, so are we. European municipalities, companies and indigenous communities are uniting under the umbrella of the Climate Alliance to fight climate change in a determined and responsible way. As a member of this global initiative, we are working on this task, committing ourselves to ambitious, verifiable objectives.

ISO certification

Is it really sustainable? Of course!

How can we differentiate real sustainability from empty promises? The standards set by the International Standard Organization ISO are an excellent way to compare. As they are based on the same criteria all over the world, they offer the perfect solution for transparency and credibility when it comes to environmental endeavors – for example environmental and energy management.

The new number one


It’s finally here: the first monolithic channel for dynamic loads made from FILCOTEN® HPC, a high-performance concrete. After undergoing an intensive development phase, we are now presenting a drainage system that combines this structure with outstanding features and transparent sustainability.

Building Information Modeling

Yes to BIM

Is it possible to eliminate the paper chaos, error-proneness and the great effort of coordinating that arise during the planning and construction phases of a project? Building Information Modeling (BIM) could be the answer. We believe that BIM can significantly ease the work of planners and architects.

Ecological print products

Green means go!

When it comes to sustainability, action speaks louder than words. It isn’t enough to vaguely take up an ecologic cause or to meet standards that feel just about “green” enough for the target group. Actual ecological action is deeply rooted in conviction, which is what we are focused on in all areas of our company – even if this means more of an effort.


The good news is: there was no bad news

The IFAT 2018 enabled us to strengthen our unique position as a sustainable innovator in the area of drainage. On the one hand, this was made possible thanks to our innovative FILCOTEN® one, but also thanks to our decision to make the environmental performance evaluations for our products transparent, in other words: verifiable.


Developing the city center.

When a construction project puts people and their needs first, miracles can happen. With the redevelopment of Argyle Street, this major hub in the city center of Halifax is finally living up to its full potential. But this lavish new plaza-style streetscape is not just about looks. It easily meets all requirements of modern construction when it comes to functionality.

BG-FILCOTEN parkline

Keep calm and park your car.

When it comes to drainage, parking garage planners and operators are faced with a number of challenges – whether for construction or renovation. Maintaining the longevity of the building is most important. However, it is also crucial to operate the parking garage without any problems and especially without complaints about noise. Thanks to its monolithic structure and unique material properties, BG-FILCOTEN® parkline has been excelling in both areas since the beginning of 2017.

The new BG-FILCOTEN green

Higher, faster, cleaner.

So far, BG-FILCOTEN® green has done an outstanding job at absorbing great amounts of rainwater and filtering out impurities before they seep into the ground. The recent ÖNORM B 2506-3 standard regulates the requirements and testing methods for filter materials. As a reaction, our new BG-FILCOTEN® green is an economic giant that benefits the environment: Measuring 640 mm, it is the highest substrate channel on the market, proving that sometimes size matters when it comes to efficiency and cleanliness.

Symposium on Rain Water 2018

Insightful exchange with expert audience.

The Symposium on Rain Water 2018 in Vienna and Innsbruck was all about the new possibilities of rain water management. On February 20 and 21, experts from the fields of architecture, planning and the public sector received answers to their questions on the topic of “Sustainable drainage with FILCOTEN® green”.


Klimaschutz? Ein Wirtschaftsthema!

Wer sagt, dass die Wirtschaft sich nur ungern freiwillig für Klimaziele einsetzt? 242 der wichtigsten Unternehmen Österreichs haben sich am 22.11. in einem Brief mit konkreten Forderungen zum Klimaschutz an die künftige Bundesregierung gewandt. Initiiert wurde der Aufruf von WWF Österreich und GLOBAL 2000. BG-Graspointner gehört zu den stolzen Unterstützern der Initiative und begrüßt diese als starkes Signal an die Politik, jetzt aktiv zu werden.

Project report Erste Campus Vienna.

A curvy challenge.

The Erste Campus, the Erste Group’s new head office in Vienna, is a real eye-catcher. The curvy building complex in the Belvedere quarter is organically shaped with smooth edges – a sophisticated natural design. Roof gardens on different levels add to the natural building concept. Furthermore, the Erste Campus is extremely sustainable, which is also followed through when it comes to the interior.


The best of both worlds.

Those who believe the future is digital, are a little late: the future is now. Digitization has found its way into every corner of our lives, from commerce to fitness trackers.

BG symposium in Budapest.

Discussing concrete in the stadium.

What are 45 architects and planners up to in a lounge of the Groupama Aréna, the soccer stadium in Budapest? Isn’t it obvious? They are discussing the technical and aesthetic possibilities of the BG product range.

Toughness made in Canada.

FILCOTEN® passes North American material testing.

Canada is a country of meteorological extremes. After all, its climate ranges from moderate to subarctic (long, cold winters and short, warm summers) to polar conditions.
